As we approach July, we have three anniversaries of movies that featured the Feline...
Timothy John Forbes, webmaster Born: 1 June 1959 in Troy, New York, USA My...
The Catwoman from the 1966 Batman movie turns 87!!! Lee Meriwether, who played the...
Pussycat from the 1966 Batman series is having another one of those birth...
Also the 30th anniversary of Batman Returns!!! We would like to take this opportunity...
We are pleased to announce that we have a new TikTok channel, @timothyjohnforbes. We...
A little too dark, and WAYYYY too long, but still a terrific film!!! Selina...
Ninety-five years ago today, Eartha Kitt made her earthly debut in Orangeburg County, South...
As we mark the 56th anniversary of the Batman series, some things to ponder!...